League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1882 83-53
1883 83-53
1884 83-53
1885 83-53
1886 83-53
1887 83-53
1888 83-53
1889 83-53
1890 83-53
1891 83-53
1892 83-53
1893 83-53
1894 83-53
1895 83-53
1896 83-53
1897 83-53
1898 83-53
1899 83-53
1900 83-53
1901 83-53 Sullivan Sr Isbell Mertes Hartman Shugart McFarland Hoy Jones
1902 74-60 Sullivan Sr Isbell Daly Strang Davis Mertes Jones Green
1903 60-77 McFarland Isbell Magoon Callahan Tannehill Holmes Jones Green
1904 89-65 Sullivan Sr Donahue Dundon Tannehill Davis Callahan Jones Green
1905 92-60 Sullivan Sr Donahue Dundon Tannehill Davis Holmes Jones Green
1906 93-58 Sullivan Sr Donahue Isbell Tannehill Davis Dougherty Jones Hahn
1907 87-64 Sullivan Sr Donahue Isbell Rohe Davis Dougherty Jones Hahn
1908 88-64 Sullivan Sr Donahue Davis Tannehill Parent Dougherty Jones Hahn
1909 78-74 Sullivan Sr Isbell Atz Tannehill Parent Dougherty Cole Hahn
1910 68-85 Payne Gandil Zeider Purtell Blackburne Dougherty Parent Meloan
1911 77-74 Sullivan Sr Collins McConnell Lord Tannehill Callahan Bodie McIntyre
1912 78-76 Kuhn Zeider Rath Lord Weaver Callahan Bodie Collins
1913 78-74 Schalk Chase Rath Lord Weaver Chappell Bodie Collins
1914 70-84 Schalk Fournier Blackburne Breton Weaver Demmitt Bodie Collins
1915 93-61 Schalk Fournier Collins Sr Blackburne Weaver Fournier Felsch Murphy
1916 89-65 Schalk Fournier Collins Sr Weaver Terry Jackson Felsch Collins
1917 100-54 Schalk Gandil Collins Sr Weaver Risberg Jackson Felsch Leibold
1918 57-67 Schalk Gandil Collins Sr McMullin Weaver Leibold Felsch Murphy
1919 88-52 Schalk Gandil Collins Sr Weaver Risberg Jackson Felsch Leibold
1920 96-58 Schalk Collins Collins Sr Weaver Risberg Jackson Felsch Leibold
1921 62-92 Schalk Sheely Collins Sr Mulligan Johnson Falk Mostil Hooper
1922 77-77 Schalk Sheely Collins Sr Mulligan Johnson Falk Mostil Hooper
1923 69-85 Schalk Sheely Collins Sr Kamm McClellan Falk Mostil Hooper
1924 66-87 Crouse Sheely Collins Sr Kamm Barrett Falk Mostil Hooper
1925 79-75 Schalk Sheely Collins Sr Kamm Davis Falk Mostil Hooper
1926 81-72 Schalk Sheely Collins Sr Kamm Hunnefield Falk Mostil Barrett
1927 70-83 McCurdy Clancy Ward Kamm Hunnefield Falk Metzler Barrett
1928 72-82 Crouse Clancy Hunnefield Kamm Cissell Falk Mostil Reynolds
1929 59-93 Berg Shires Kerr Kamm Cissell Metzler Hoffman Reynolds
1930 62-92 Tate Watwood Cissell Kamm Mulleavy Jolley Barnes Jolley
1931 56-97 Tate Blue Kerr Sullivan Jr Cissell Fonseca Watwood Reynolds
1932 49-102 Grube Blue Hayes Selph Appling Fothergill Funk Seeds
1933 67-83 Berry Kress Hayes Dykes Appling Simmons Haas Swanson
1934 53-99 Madjeski Bonura Hayes Dykes Appling Simmons Haas Swanson
1935 74-78 Sewell Bonura Hayes Dykes Appling Radcliff Simmons Washington
1936 81-70 Sewell Bonura Hayes Dykes Appling Radcliff Rosenthal Haas
1937 86-68 Sewell Bonura Hayes Piet Appling Radcliff Kreevich Walker
1938 65-83 Sewell Kuhel Hayes Owen Appling Radcliff Kreevich Steinbacher
1939 85-69 Tresh Kuhel Bejma McNair Appling Walker Kreevich Rosenthal
1940 82-72 Tresh Kuhel Webb Kennedy Appling Solters Kreevich Wright
1941 77-77 Tresh Kuhel Knickerbocker Lodigiani Appling Hoag Kreevich Wright
1942 66-82 Tresh Kuhel Kolloway Kennedy Appling Wright Hoag Moses
1943 82-72 Tresh Kuhel Kolloway Hodgin Appling Curtright Tucker Moses
1944 71-83 Tresh Trosky Sr Schalk Hodgin Webb Curtright Tucker Moses
1945 71-78 Tresh Farrell Schalk Cuccinello Michaels Dickshot Hockett Moses
1946 74-80 Tresh Trosky Sr Kolloway Lodigiani Appling Kennedy Tucker Wright
1947 70-84 Tresh York Kolloway Baker Appling Hodgin Philley Kennedy
1948 51-101 Robinson Lupien Kolloway Appling Michaels Seerey Philley Wright
1949 63-91 Wheeler Kress Michaels Baker Appling Zernial Metkovich Philley
1950 60-94 Masi Robinson Fox Majeski Carrasquel Zernial Philley Philley
1951 81-73 Masi Robinson Fox Dillinger Carrasquel Lenhardt Busby Zarilla
1952 81-73 Lollar Robinson Fox Rodriguez Carrasquel Stewart Rivera Mele
1953 89-65 Lollar Fain Fox Elliott Carrasquel Boyd Rivera Mele
1954 94-60 Lollar Fain Fox Michaels Carrasquel Wilson Groth Rivera
1955 91-63 Lollar Dropo Fox Kell Carrasquel Nieman Busby Rivera
1956 85-69 Lollar Dropo Fox Hatfield Aparicio Delsing Doby Rivera
1957 90-64 Lollar Torgeson Fox Phillips Aparicio Landis Doby Rivera
1958 82-72 Lollar Torgeson Fox Goodman Aparicio Smith Landis Smith
1959 94-60 Lollar Torgeson Fox Phillips Aparicio Smith Landis McAnany
1960 87-67 Lollar Sievers Fox Esposito Aparicio Rivera Landis Smith
1961 86-76 Lollar Sievers Fox Smith Aparicio Covington Landis Robinson
1962 85-77 Carreon Cunningham Fox Smith Aparicio Robinson Landis Hershberger
1963 94-68 Carreon McCraw Fox Ward Hansen Nicholson Landis Robinson
1964 98-64 McNertney McCraw Weis Ward Hansen Nicholson Landis Robinson
1965 95-67 Romano Skowron Buford Ward Hansen Cater Berry Robinson
1966 83-79 Romano McCraw Weis Buford Adair Berry Agee Robinson
1967 89-73 Josephson McCraw Causey Buford Hansen Ward Agee Berry
1968 67-95 Josephson McCraw Alomar Sr Ward Aparicio Davis Berry Bradford
1969 68-94 Herrmann Hopkins Knoop Melton Aparicio May Berry Williams
1970 84-78 Josephson Hopkins Knoop O'Brien Aparicio May Berry Williams
1971 81-81 Herrmann James Marquez Boyer Alley May Bradford Melton
1972 68-94 Bateman Matias Yancy Diggle Dent May Williams Melton
1973 69-93 Downing Johnson Diggle Melton Dent Howard Matias Talley
1974 75-87 Downing de Jesus Diggle Melton de Jesus Talley Matias Talley
1975 67-95 Nakamoto Thompson Cunningham MacFarland Dent Page Matias Brown
1976 83-79 Downing Thompson Cruz MacFarland Smalley Henderson Law Page
1977 98-64 Downing Thompson Cruz MacFarland Smalley Page Law Wynn
1978 92-70 Wynegar Thompson Smith MacFarland Smalley Page Law Wynn
1979 96-66 Downing Thompson Smith MacFarland Smalley Page Law Wynn
1980 97-65 Downing Thompson Ramirez MacFarland Smith Henderson Law Page
1981 95-67 Holmes Thompson Ramirez MacFarland Smith Henderson Law Page
100 years 126 players 155 players 156 players 166 players 130 players 222 players 157 players 215 players
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