Thursday, June 1st, 1972
Released CL Ben Sturgis.
RP Ben Sturgis got drafted by the Cincinnati Reds.
Released SS Kenny Hanes.
SS Kenny Hanes got drafted by the New York Yankees.
Released 3B Josh Ruffino.
3B Josh Ruffino got drafted by the Kansas City Royals.
Released SP Aaron Bahan.
SP Aaron Bahan got drafted by the Chicago Cubs.
Released 3B Adam Trachtenberg.
3B Adam Trachtenberg got drafted by the California Angels.
Released RP Josh Wakeman.
RP Josh Wakeman got drafted by the Boston Red Sox.
Released 2B Kevin Brady.
2B Kevin Brady got drafted by the New York Yankees.
SP Josh Wheeler joins the team.
SP Dustin Coleman joins the team.
SP Matt Horwitz joins the team.
SP Darius Wilson joins the team.
RP Ryan Ferguson joins the team.
C Roger Robinson joins the team.
SS Jason Esperon joins the team.
2B Michael Vallier joins the team.
3B Danny Martinez joins the team.
CF Eric Gasaway joins the team.
LF Rob Crawley joins the team.
Tuesday, June 1st, 1971
Released C A.J. Garcia.
C A.J. Garcia got drafted by the Houston Astros.
Released CF Tyler Quistorff.
CF Tyler Quistorff got drafted by the Chicago White Sox.
Released RF Chris Hoskin.
RF Chris Hoskin got drafted by the New York Mets.
Released 1B Tim Fosdick.
1B Tim Fosdick got drafted by the California Angels.
Released LF Bobby Vargo.
LF Bobby Vargo got drafted by the New York Yankees.
Released RP Pat Howe.
RP Pat Howe got drafted by the San Francisco Giants.
SP J.J. Parsons joins the team.
C Jason Knowlton joins the team.
CF Dan Foster joins the team.
RF Nick Schalk joins the team.
3B Rob Zawadski joins the team.
LF Danny Alfred joins the team.
2B Jaden Walker joins the team.
Monday, June 1st, 1970
SP Mark Zenger joins the team.
SP Seth LaChance joins the team.
SP Joe Stacy joins the team.
Sunday, March 1st, 1970
SP Steve Bloom joins the team.
SP Aaron Bahan joins the team.
SP Craig Diekevers joins the team.
SP John Compo joins the team.
SP Nick Rapp joins the team.
RP Justin Huff joins the team.
RP Josh Wakeman joins the team.
RP Ben Sturgis joins the team.
RP Pat Howe joins the team.
RP Chris Walter joins the team.
RP Steve Flowers joins the team.
RP Willie Martinez joins the team.
C A.J. Garcia joins the team.
C Jason Cromer joins the team.
1B Tim Fosdick joins the team.
2B Kevin Brady joins the team.
3B Josh Ruffino joins the team.
SS Kenny Hanes joins the team.
LF Lance Royse joins the team.
CF Tyler Quistorff joins the team.
RF Chris Hoskin joins the team.
3B Jayden Richardson joins the team.
3B Adam Trachtenberg joins the team.
LF Jeremy Williams joins the team.
LF Bobby Vargo joins the team.
Saturday, February 28th, 1970
SP Jason Glick joins the team.
SP Andy Carnemolla joins the team.
SP Mario Garcia joins the team.
SP Ben Marge joins the team.
SP Kevin Martinez joins the team.
RP David Morgan joins the team.
RP Mark Eddington joins the team.
RP John Plum joins the team.
RP Bill Wallace joins the team.
RP Dan Hanke joins the team.
RP David Odom joins the team.
RP Chris Banks joins the team.
C Jim Derryberry joins the team.
C John Wheeler joins the team.
1B Jeff Clark joins the team.
2B Paul Brown joins the team.
3B Ben Novotny joins the team.
SS Jessie Imperato joins the team.
LF John Hagan joins the team.
CF Eddie Yera joins the team.
RF Dave Medlock joins the team.
2B Mike McBay joins the team.
2B Chris Hinnershitz joins the team.
RF Dave Juliano joins the team.
CF Scott Hughes joins the team.
Monday, January 29th, 2018 - OOTP Baseball 18.8 Build 76